Numenera - Welcome to the Ninth World (in english)

  • Gruppe: Gamemaster - Jan Z.
  • Datum: 26.04.2016, 18:00-23:55
  • Ort: Vereinsraum
  • Organisator: Reini
  • Besonderheiten: Geschlossene GruppeGeschlossene Gruppe



Introductory adventure, perhaps a start of a short campaign in the  world of Numenera. 


Numenera is a special world ... there were 8 previous worlds ... or ages, eras ... Each former world stretched across vast millennia in time. In each world a civilization rose to unknown of heights, reaching the stars, other dimensions, re-engineering themselves and everything around them, but eventually died, scattered, disappeared ... Each world left behind remnants. 9th World is built on the bones of the previous eight, everywhere there are remnants of the past worlds, everything is a remnant of a previous world. In the depths of the ground, floating above ground or in the oceans, in the orbit, there are riches and dangers, opportunities and risks for the new people of the young 9th world. The previous worlds are so alien, so strange, so incomprehensible, that many call the remnants to be magic, or gods ... and who knows maybe that's the right way to think about it?


Numenera is a game of exploration and discovery, where you can play a Glaive (fighter), Jack (rouge) or Nano (mage). Characters are roughly speaking human, although the definition of humanity is a bit stretchy in the 9th world. The system is relatively simple, although quite different from other systems. Some interesting features are that only Players use dice, never GM, and there is a strong focus on single-use effects, that you get from plentiful simple artifacts called cyphers.

Halle der Helden
Erster Österreichischer Rollenspielverein

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